Why Should You Visit an Audiologist for a Hearing Test?
Everyone should have a hearing test from time to time. You should ideally
Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common causes of auditory degradation. Any sound that measures over 85db can cause permanent damage to your hearing if sustained for a long enough period of time. For that reason, hearing protection is essential. Your audiologist can assess the current condition of your hearing health, as well as recommending the protection that would best suit your needs.
Even going to the cinema or attending a hobby can expose your ears to noises that are louder than 100db regularly. Additionally, fireworks and firearms can be some of the loudest noises possible, potentially causing long-term damage with even a small amount of exposure.
Many professions can result in hearing loss if you’re not careful. This is most common in manufacturing, construction, road work and similar jobs that involve the use of heavy machinery. However, even driving in a noisy urban street or listening to loud music as a DJ may necessitate hearing protection. If you’re exposed to noises over 85db on a regular basis, then custom-made earplugs or ear mufflers may be an essential item.
These are some of the loudest work environments around. Aviation attendants can be exposed to levels of noise above 100db when working in an airport. Trains can produce a similar level of noise. You may not be able to wear hearing protection while on duty, primarily for safety reasons, but when not on duty and spending time in the work environment, it’s wise to protect your hearing as best as possible.
You don’t have to work on a construction site to have regular contact with loud noises. When you’re mowing the lawn (if you’re using a motorized lawn mower), you may be creating noises as loud as 110db. Similarly, DIY power tools including drills can cause damage to your hearing if you aren’t protected against them. Disposal earbuds may be best suited to those who only need to use loud machinery at home on a semi-regular basis. They are significantly cheaper but still highly effective for short periods of use.
Motorsports are some of the loudest hobbies around, whether you’re driving or simply attending. Race cars can produce noises that reach into decibel levels of the high-90s. However, sometimes the loudest threats are the fans, with packed sports stadiums, like football or basketball stadiums, reaching noise levels of 108db. This means they can cause permanent damage within 15 minutes, so it’s wise not to take the risk. If you’re a sports fan who regularly attends (or takes part in) their favorite games, make sure you take care of your hearing, as well.
If you believe that you might need hearing protection, then it is wise to get in touch with your audiologist as soon as possible. The sooner you safeguard your hearing, the sooner you can stop the effect of a loud hobby, work or home environment from causing or exacerbating hearing loss.
Everyone should have a hearing test from time to time. You should ideally
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of the most common occupational
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