Hearing loss affects people of all ages and stages of life. Hearing loss symptoms usually include muffling of speech or other sounds, difficulty understanding words, trouble hearing consonants and the need to turn up radio or television volume. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports that about 28-million adults in the U.S can benefit when implementing the use of hearing aids.

If you suspect that you have any symptoms regarding hearing loss, make an appointment at the local audiologist and get the help you need. An audiologist deals with the assessment and management of hearing, hearing loss and ear-related disorders. They also promote healthy ear and hearing habits that prevent a person from getting hearing loss or other ear-related situations. When entering the audiologist appointment room, it is essential to ask these few questions below to get the most out of the service. 

What type of hearing loss do i have?

There are three types of hearing loss a person can have- sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss and mixed hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type. It is when the inner ear nerves and hair cells are damaged. This occurs with old age or noise damage. With the use of hearing aids, your hearing can be treated.

Conductive hearing loss results from obstructions in the middle or outer ear; it can be because of fluid, tremors, earwax or ear formation. These obstructions are surgically removed. Mixed hearing loss is a combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. It is best to know what type of hearing loss you have and your available options to get treatment. 

What can i do to protect my hearing from further damage?  

Hearing loss cannot always be prevented, but there are helpful things you can do to protect your hearing in the future. Avoid loud noises, take care of your ears when listening to music, take precautions at work such as wearing earmuffs. An audiologist can give you a lot of tips and resources to help you protect your hearing. It is a part of their profession to provide healthy hearing habits. 

Would hearing aids or other devices help?

Hearing aids are the most promising treatment to give someone who is affected by hearing loss. It would be best if you asked this question to your audiologist before accepting any other medicine. There are various hearing aids to choose from, tips on getting used to a hearing aid and what to look for when considering it. Your audiologist will give you all the information available on hearing aids to find the perfect one for you. 

How can friends and family help? 

If your hearing loss is affecting how you live, it is crucial to consider the people you live with or hang out with. Ask your audiologist for a guide or helpful tips that your people can read and practice. It will make your life and their lives much more comfortable.

The answers to these questions depend on the type and extent of your hearing loss. It is always important to ask all necessary questions to a professional rather than try figuring it out on your own.