Why Should You Visit an Audiologist for a Hearing Test?
Everyone should have a hearing test from time to time. You should ideally
Do you hear a ringing in your ears every time you try to sleep? Do you struggle to listen to what your friends say over the sound in your ears? If you answered yes, then it sounds very much like you’re dealing with tinnitus.
Tinnitus is the perception of noises in the ear which have no external cause. The problem can occur in either one or both of your ears and is often a symptom of underlying auditory issues. Symptoms of tinnitus can range between the following:
Though it’s a problem which few of us consider before it strikes, around 20% of people experience tinnitus. While the issue in itself is rarely serious, it can induce problems like insomnia. More often than not, tinnitus is also the first symptom of further trouble within the ear.
Instead of ignoring inner-ear sounds, then, it’s vital that you seek help for them as soon as possible. Only then can you rule out underlying conditions and get a peaceful night of sleep again. An audiologist is, by far, your best option for moving away from tinnitus. And, here’s how they could help you.
First, an audiologist will work to determine the source of your tinnitus. This is vital for ruling out or recognizing issues like hearing loss. They’ll do this through a series of tests which involve varying sound frequencies. They’ll also look over your medical history for signs of past injuries or medication which could be causing the issue. In some cases, even hereditary problems are to blame for ongoing tinnitus. An audiologist has the know-how to cover all these bases and determine the source of your struggle before moving forward.
Once your audiologist knows what’s causing your tinnitus, they’ll be able to offer the right treatment. If it’s linked to underlying hearing loss, they may recommend a hearing aid above all. Even if an audiologist recognizes problems they can’t treat, they’re in the best position to put you in contact with someone who can.
Or, it may be that your audiologist doesn’t spot any underlying problems at all. In that case, they’ll likely choose to refer you to natural tinnitus treatments such as sound machines or tinnitus retraining therapy. Either way, they’ll be able to develop a treatment plan which works for you.
Whether they treat you or not, an audiologist will also be able to monitor your tinnitus moving forward. For a condition which sometimes has no apparent physical cause, this can be invaluable. It ensures that an audiologist will immediately recognize a worsening of your symptoms. They’ll also be able to keep on top of the problem with you to ensure that tinnitus never tries to get in again.
There’s really no need to struggle with that ringing alone, then. All you have to do is contact an audiologist today to say goodbye to tinnitus.
Everyone should have a hearing test from time to time. You should ideally
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