While tinnitus is more common in older adults, it can actually present in any individual. It may result from any of the following causes, including ear trauma, earwax build-up, exposure to loud noises, high blood pressure, middle ear infection or age-related hearing loss. 

Tinnitus falls into two different categories, namely the subjective and objective tinnitus. Subjective tinnitus is the most common, and it refers to the one only heard by the person experiencing it. In contrast, objective refers to the one that an audiologist can listen to during the examination. 

Other than the ringing, tinnitus comes with varying symptoms, and some of the common ones to watch out for include intermittent or continuous roaring, buzzing, hissing or whistling noise in your ears. Though not dangerous in its initial stage, tinnitus may have severe consequences if left untreated. 

Tinnitus may also be a symptom of a more severe condition. This is why it’s always recommended to visit an audiologist for your ear checkup once in a while to rule out any issues such as having a hearing loss. Tinnitus is treatable through different methods, as outlined below. 

Sound machines

This entails using devices to provide generic background noise necessary for masking the patient’s perception of tinnitus. These machines offer various calming noises such as white noise and different sounds that offer relaxation and relief.  

Hearing aids with masking features

The truth is people experiencing hearing loss are susceptible to tinnitus. As such, one can use hearing aids with masking features to overcome the negative impacts of tinnitus. 

These hearing aids allow people experiencing hearing loss to hear those sounds they might be missing, reducing their focus on the ringing. This is made possible by their design, enabling them to contrast internal noise while amplifying the external sounds. 

There exist hundreds of tinnitus specialized hearing aids in the market today. To have the best, you must make sure to consult your audiologist for guidance on your right type of hearing aid. Depending on your condition’s level, your audiologist may suggest any following hearing aid style, in-the-ear hearing aid, behind-the-ear hearing aid or in-the-canal hearing aid.  

Lifestyle modifications treatment

Your lifestyle could be the reason behind the ringing in your ears. Actions such as taking certain medications, for example, some antibiotics and smoking, are known to cause this condition. To counter it, you must first quit smoking and drinking, stay away from medicines that cause tinnitus and avoid earwax removal. 

Tinnitus retraining therapy

This type of therapy works to help tinnitus patients learn how to cope with the ringing noise consciously and subconsciously. It entails three major therapeutic steps done by your audiologist to teach the brain how to ignore the noises. 

The first step after visiting an audiologist is a diagnosis which entails providing some of your major information, including your history and living habits. Next, you will be asked to wear devices that produce noise behind your ears to divert your attention from tinnitus. The third and last step entails psychological therapy combined with stress management practices to help you overcome the tinnitus noise. 

Even though there is no known cure for tinnitus, it is manageable through various steps outlined below. Always consult an audiologist before taking any action as ears are a delicate part of the body.