Why Should You Visit an Audiologist for a Hearing Test?
Everyone should have a hearing test from time to time. You should ideally
Hearing aids last around three to five years, give or take. They are essentially mini-computers that deteriorate with wear and tear. When this occurs, your hearing device will stop working reliably; therefore, you would benefit from new hearing aids.
You should consider talking to a hearing professional who will offer you advice. While poor care, wax build-up and more can contribute to problematic hearing devices, sometimes your device is just too old. So, what are the top three ways to identify issues with your device?
Hearing aids don’t last forever. If they are over three years old, then you may have noticed that they are not as sharp and clear as they used to be. Older models don’t have the updates needed to work alongside modern technology such as Bluetooth or apps. So, a modern updated device will not only work better but allow you to live a great lifestyle with minimal effort. They are a great investment in your health and should last you another four to five years with good care.
Your hearing aids can sometimes whistle, buzz or make high-pitched sounds. If this occurs, it may mean that your hearing aid has not been adequately managed. You should clean your device thoroughly with warm soapy water, but be sure not to clog it. Also, humidity will affect the quality of your device.
If you believe that your device is not operating as it used to, then you should consult a professional and look at a replacement. There are components that should be replaced or repaired to extend the useful life of your hearing aid, such as: the protective wax filters, the mold tube, the silicone adapters, among others. These may all contribute to poor sound quality and, over time, wear out the device.
If you find your aids are no longer fitting properly, then you may need an upgrade. Now there are types of models that fit inside the ear and not around. ​​These hearing aids are small and inserted into the ears; they usually have a kind of pacifier that prevents interference from ambient noise. In addition, due to their size they are easy to transport.
They are also known as in-ear hearing aids, and although they appear to be very comfortable, some people find it uncomfortable to put the headphones in their ears. If you find that you are not enjoying wearing your hearing aids anymore, then it may be good to replace your device.
Generally speaking, advances in technology have made hearing aid devices easy to wear, clear as a crystal and offer wearers multiple benefits. You will find that an upgrade to a newer model will give you a new outlook on your ear health. Speak to your hearing health professional to see what possible upgrades may be available to you.
Everyone should have a hearing test from time to time. You should ideally
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of the most common occupational
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